Employees from Carib Glassworks Ltd. participated in the International Coastal Clean-up 2014
On Saturday 20th September 2014 employees of Carib Glassworks Ltd. participated in the International Coastal Clean-Up (ICC) 2014. The Carib Glassworks team joined many other local organizations who took to local beaches across Trinidad and Tobago to do their part in saving the environment.
The initiative is one that the company participates in year after year as they continue to pledge their efforts to saving the environment one glass bottles at a time. With their mission clearly emblazoned on the back of their green jerseys the team joined other volunteers on the Chagville Beach in Carenage. They removed bags of debris from the shore line and the surrounding environment that were then recorded, weighed and then disposed of properly.
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September 26th, 2014
Corporate Communications Department
ANSA McAL Group of Companies