Children participate in an exercise during their visit to Carib Brewery.
Smalta and Carib Brewery recently hosted 13 of its employees’ children who were successful at this year’s SEA Examination. The children were treated to what was described as “A Day at Work.” Carib Brewery, in a release, said: “Like any newcomer to our premises, the children began their day with orientation sessions where they met representatives from different departments and learned a bit about what we do, how we produce our beverages and how we distribute them.
“Later, the children were taught life lessons useful in their path to adulthood, such as the value of teamwork, gratitude, tolerance and positivity; lessons which stemmed from our company values of leadership, social responsibility, integrity, respect, trust, insight, innovation, commitment and accountability.” Ria and Karan Ramsundar and Toanya Rahim, of the Growing Leaders Foundation, conducted the sessions.
Taken from the Trinidad Guardian
September 06, 2011