Mr. Jeewan Mohan – Managing Director (MBM), Ms. Joely Lalor – Product Marketing Specialist BISG (Canon), Mr. Mikio Takagi – Director of Marketing Latin America (Canon), Mr. Ian Galt – Services Sector Head (ANSA McAL), Mr. Rafael Garcia – Senior Account Executive (Canon), Mr. A. Norman Sabga – Group Chairman and Chief Executive (ANSA McAL) and Mr. Masaaki Mimura – Supervisor (BISG).
Canon and McEnearney Business Machines (MBM) have been in partnership since 1968 and have been competing in the Multifunctional Print Devices segment of the market for over 30 years. MBM in collaboration with Canon hosted a product launch on September 15th, 2015 at Hyatt, Trinidad. The event showcased new technologies and solutions offered by Canon to assist businesses in effectively improving processes for enhanced productivity. MBM was presented by an award by Canon for being one of their most valued partners in the region.
Corporate Communications Department
ANSA McAL Group of Companies
Tuesday 15th September, 2015