Ms. Kelijah Phillip, Student poses at one of the specialized ‘Wheelchair adjustable’ desk with the assistance of Ms. Elizabeth R Belcon, President – Beausejour Community Council Centre.
The ANSA McAL Foundation was pleased to assist the Beausejour Community Council in its efforts to provide specialized Wheelchair adjustable desk for the differently abled students at Tranquillity Government Primary School, located at #2 Stanmore Avenue, Port of Spain.
The ANSA McAL Foundation has been in existence since 1993 and has gifted several worthy causes in Trinidad & Tobago. The ANSA McAL Foundation is chaired by Mr. A Norman Sabga, LLD (Hon.) UWI, Executive Chairman of the ANSA McAL Group.
Corporate Communications Department
ANSA McAL Group of Companies
Monday 12th March, 2018