Recently, the ANSA McAL Group of Companies held the historic launch of the new, cutting-edge ABEL Clay Factory in Longdenville, Chaguanas. For over 60 years ABEL, a member of the ABS family of brands, has been the trusted name in clay blocks. The year 2013 ushered in a new era as ABS commissioned a new $400 million state of the art clay block plant. It is the largest and most modern clay facility in the Caribbean and is also the single largest non-energy investment in the Caribbean for the Group.
This modern plant has the ability to produce up to 57 million blocks per annum and is designed to make 98% grade 1 quality blocks. The new facility is also eco-friendly and boasts benefits such as the purification of waste air before expulsion into the atmosphere, the re-use of emitted heat and continued reforestation after mining.
The Honorable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago delivered the feature address and applauded the Group for their continued contributions to the development of business in Trinidad and Tobago. ANSA McAL’s Group Chairman and Chief Executive, Mr. A. Norman Sabga delivered the Welcome Remarks and spoke about the investment and Mr. Gerry C. Brooks, Group Chief Operating Officer and Sector Head – Manufacturing conveyed the Vote of Thanks.
The event ended with a cocktail reception for customers and business associations of ABEL Building Solutions. Guests had the opportunity to see technology in action and were given guided tours of the plant.
ANSA McAL’s Group Chairman and Chief Executive, Mr. A. Norman Sabga (right) greets the Honorable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago as she arrives at the launch of the ABEL Clay Factory. Looking on from left is the Honorable Dr. Tim Gopeesingh, Minister of Education and Member of Parliament for Caroni East and the Honorable Stephen Cadiz, Minister of Transport and Member of Parliament for Chaguanas East
The Honorable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago (centre) is given a guided tour of the ABEL Clay Factory in Longdenville by Mr. Dennis McSween, the General Manager of Caribbean Clay Processing Services Limited
Mr. A. Norman Sabga, ANSA McAL’s Group Chairman and Chief Executive (left) and Mr. Gerry C. Brooks, Group Chief Operating Officer and Sector Head – Manufacturing, present The Honorable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago with a token of appreciation at the ABEL Clay Plant Launch
Guests at ABEL’s Clay Plant Launch mingle with some of the company’s employees at the event’s reception. Ms. Lalita Mahabir (left) and Ms. Savi Mahabir (right) stand with Mrs. Janine Prudent – Hardware Sales Manager (ABS) and Mr. Innocent Roberts of Bestcrete
Monday 23rd June, 2014
Group Corporate Communications Department
ANSA McAL Group of Companies