The team met John Kotter – the world’s leader in Leadership and Change Management
As part of our Leadership Development Program the following candidates attended the High Potential Leadership Executive Education Program at the Harvard Business School:
- David Hadeed
- Gregory Hill
- Troy Cadogan
The program ran from June 1st to 6th 2014 in the United States at Harvard’s Boston campus and covered topics designed to support high-performers as they develop cutting edge leadership skills.
The High Potential Program was selected from Harvard’s menu of courses based on its close alignment to our leadership-critical competencies. The program’s merit was further reinforced by its inclusion of innovative research, proven leadership strategies and best management practices.
The testimonials from the participants further endorsed our selection as their Harvard experience provided the tools, lessons and guidance required to develop them into stronger and more capable leaders. The classroom projects, simulations, study material and presentations formed part of a comprehensive program that they will reference continuously to take their businesses successfully into the future.
“We were at a consensus that being part of the first set of potential leaders from ANSA McAL to attend the executive education at the Harvard Business School was an honor and privilege that we all felt must be returned by fulfilling the potential that the executive team has seen in us”.
David Hadeed, Managing Director – Carib Glassworks Limited
“I felt particularly honored to have been identified by my company to attend the course. The program has left indelible imprints on my knowledge base and corporate outlook and has certainly enhanced my leadership ability. I do consider the methodology employed to be apt. Resonating in my mind is the concept that failure is not final and should be accepted for what it’s worth, it should not result in despondency and an idea to quit and stop trying. Rather, failure provides an opportunity for one to learn from past mistakes and to keep expanding one’s horizon and keep trying until success is realized”
Troy Cadogan, Marketing Director- ANSA McAL Trading (Guyana) Limited
The ANSA Team – seated in the front row at Harvard
Leadership Reference Material
ANSA McAL Group of Companies
Group Corporate Communications Department
July 16, 2014