Group Chairman and Chief Executive of the ANSA McAL Group of Companies – Mr. A. Norman Sabga is accompanied by his mother Mrs. Minerva Sabga following the Memorial Tribute for his father on Saturday 03rd June, 2017. PHOTO: ABRAHAM DIAZ
Dr. Anthony Norman Sabga would not have been as successful as he was if not for the support of his wife, Minerva, ANSA McAL Group Chairman and Chief Executive – Mr. A. Norman Sabga says.
Mr. Sabga (Norman) made the statement as he delivered the closing remarks at the memorial tribute for his father, the Chairman Emeritus of the ANSA McAL Group of Companies on Saturday 03rd June, 2017.
Dr. Sabga passed away on May 03rd, 2017 at the age of 94.
“My father had a wonderful life, he lived a long life, he lived a successful life, a life that was full of love, success and God’s blessings,” Mr. Sabga (Norman) said.
“I want to acknowledge that a huge part of his success was the role my mother played in his life because if she did not also support him and allow him the time and the freedom which impacted part of our time as a family, he would not have been able to achieve what he did and for that we as a family are extremely grateful for my mother,” he said.
Mr. Sabga (Norman) said his father’s second family was the ANSA McAL Group.
He said yesterday’s memorial was to ensure that part of the family was able to say goodbye to his father.
“I first want to acknowledge that my family would have loved for each and every one of you to have attended the funeral but if you look at the church today, and you see the cathedral almost full, there would have been no way we could have accommodated everyone at the funeral and it was for this reason that we planned this special service for the second half of my father’s family, the ANSA McAL Group,” he said.
Sabga’s funeral was held on May 08th, 2017 at The Church of the Assumption, Long Circular Road, Maraval.
The memorial tribute was held at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Port-of-Spain.
Dr. Sabga’s three sons—Norman, and the group’s Deputy Chairmen Andrew and David greeted attendees at the entrance of the church.
The memorial started promptly at 9 am with the Love Movement choir singing Reuben Morgan’s Hear Our Praises.
Monsignor Christian Pereira delivered the opening prayer.
Executive director at ANSA McAL Ray A. Sumairsingh delivered the welcome remarks and reminisced about his 17 years working alongside “the old man”.
Sumairsingh said Sabga not only “gave you a fish if you needed it, but he also taught you how to fish”.
Sumairsingh said he was “coached by Norman how to interface with his dad”.
Mr. Sabga (Norman) told Sumairsingh “never to ramble or BS him” and that he “prefers truth, honesty and a valiant effort in attempting the task at hand”.
“He would always encourage you to stretch and reach beyond ordinary results. He used to say that if you aimed for the stars even if you fall short you might reach the clouds,” he said.
Sumairsingh said deceased businessman Michael Mansoor persuaded him that when you work with Sabga you learn something every day. Sumairsingh said “a truer statement” he has not heard.
“Working with Dr. Sabga was a full education unparalleled by any business school. Whether you continue to work in the group or not, some may have left, but all recognise that we are better businessmen, better decision makers, better leaders because of the cut and thrust of being with Dr. Sabga.”
Sabga was given a musical tribute by Wendell Constantine who did a remake of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah in his honour.
Both Raviji Maharaj and Bro Noble Khan reminisced about their time working alongside Dr. Sabga and the humility and love he exuded.
Raymond Edwards, Nigel Floyd and Edward Cumberbatch from the trio QEDTT (Quod Erat Demonstrandum–Latin for that which has been proven—Trinidad and Tobago) sang the ANSA McAL song Together.
Taken from: Trinidad Guardian
Story by: Joel Julien
Date: Sunday 04th June, 2017