On Sunday 17th May 2015 Carib Glassworks Ltd along with ACE, Tetra Pack, Plastikeep and Recycling in Motion will partner with United Way Trinidad & Tobago on a nationwide recycling drive throughout Trinidad and Tobago.
There will be five drop off locations:
South: Gulf View Massy Stores
Central: Chaguanas – Massy CAT
Trincity: Massy Stores
West: West Mall Massy Stores
North West: Diego Martin Massy Stores
Drop off bins will be placed at each of these locations for glass, paper, plastics and tetra packs and there will be YTEPP volunteers on site to assist with collecting recyclables. Banners will also be on site for easy reference.
Here are some facts on how Recycling benefits us all:
1. Recycling glass saves fuel and electricity, thus reducing acid rain, global warming and air pollution.
2. Glass recycling reduces the need for mining new minerals such as sand, and decreases damage to wilderness.
3. Glass recycling cuts down on the amount of bulk waste going to our landfill and dumps.
4. Recycling glass reduces potential breeding grounds for diseases, such as malaria and cholera.
5. Glass recycling is a source of income or additional revenue for communities, individuals, charitable organizations, hotels, bars, public and private companies both locally and abroad.
6. Glass recycling generates civic pride and fosters teamwork – keep your community clean.
7. Recycling glass can create and instill positive environmental habits. What we do today, we will reap tomorrow.
8. Glass recycling keeps money in our country thereby saving on foreign exchange moving out of our country.
9. Glass Recycling lets join hands in the preservation of our lovely twin-island state. Recycle glass today!
10. Private and public companies show that you care, sponsor a recycling bin for charitable organizations, clubs, schools or public places. Glass recycling can earn you cash!
Support our National Day of Caring and start recycling to keep our beaches, rivers and communities clean.
Corporate Communications Department
ANSA McAL Group of Companies
Wednesday 13th May, 2015