In the heart of Matura Quarry, a remarkable transformation is underway. Once heavily mined, this land is now being rejuvenated into a thriving ecosystem. Volunteers from the ANSA McAL Group, alongside community members, have come together with one common goal: to restore this land to its natural glory.
Thanks to their efforts, over 7 acres have been reforested, with new life already beginning to flourish. On Saturday, July 27th, ANSA McAL employees and Matura residents took up the sustainability challenge by participating in the annual forest rehabilitation program, planting 763 indigenous trees.
Reforestation not only combats climate change but also restores biodiversity and stabilizes soil. This project is a true community effort, with schools, local businesses, and families all pitching in.
IWECO Project
Integrating Water, Land, and Ecosystems Management in Caribbean Small Island Developing States.
David Hadeed, Sector Head of ANSA Packaging, shares: “When the EMA introduced the IWECO project in 2019, ANSA McAL was the first privately-owned quarry to sign up. This initiative aligns perfectly with our sustainability goals and allows us to continuously give back to the environment and partner with the community. It feels amazing to contribute to something bigger than ourselves.”
Learn more about the sustainability initiatives across the ANSA McAL Group of Companies in our Sustainability Report.