ANSA McAL has a clearly defined Corporate Governance structure hinged on such things as ethical practice, transparency, diversity, and inclusion. Good Corporate Governance can be described as the root of the ESG tree, a solid foundation from which a meaningful Sustainability Strategy can be built.
ANSA McAL recognizes the need for effective, transparent, and open communication with stakeholders to foster strong relationships that develop with respect and trust. This includes consideration of how key internal and external stakeholders may influence or be impacted by the Group’s strategic initiatives and business drivers, which sustain the diverse Group’s success. The Group is actively engaged with a diverse range of stakeholders to create and foster positive symbiotic relationships of opportunity. The Group is an active member of many key organizations in the region.
In 2022, ANSA McAL began to implement the roll out of a new ERM framework throughout the Group on a phased basis. A phased approach will ensure key risks (R) and opportunities (O) within each sector are identified and treated with to achieve the target risk profile. R&Os are monitored within the operating companies and by the C-suite Executive. The Board is apprised of significant risks within, and emerging risks facing, the Group which may have sector or enterprise-wide impact.
The Board of Directors of ANSA McAL (“the Board”) are dedicated to upholding good corporate governance in order to deliver sustained growth and improve shareholder value while making a positive contribution to society. Fostering an environment of trust and accountability is an important cornerstone of the Group’s Corporate Governance Framework.
The role and responsibilities of the ANSA McAL Board of Directors are clearly stated in the Board’s Charter. The Board has delegated to the Group Chief Executive Officer the general management, supervision and control of the business and general affairs of the Group, including the execution of Board directives and resolutions. The Board also delegates to the Group Chief Executive Officer the implementation of the Company’s overall Corporate strategy as approved by the Board.
There following sub-committees of the Board have been established to assist the Board in carrying out its duties more effectively:
- The Governance Nominating and Remuneration Committee (“GNRC”) is responsible for ensuring that the Group maintains and implements an effective and up to date Corporate Governance Framework and oversees Board and Executive remuneration in accordance with the Company’s policy objectives. The GNRC’s Charter contains full details of the Committee’s responsibilities.
- The Audit Committee is responsible for the oversight of the Group’s financial reporting process, the system of internal control over financial reporting, the audit process, risk policies and procedures and the Group’s process for monitoring compliance with Laws and Regulations. The Audit Committee’s Charter contains full details of the Committee’s responsibilities.
Our governance structure today, is the strongest it has been in the Group’s history. As we navigate the future, good governance, strong ethics and integrity will continue to be key facets of the ANSA McAL philosophy.
ANSA McAL continues to advocate for initiatives and policies that will foster Sustainable Development in the region. One area that the Group is particularly committed to advocating for is recycling. ANSA McAL continues to support all meaningful efforts to initiate a cultural change around recycling and sustainability and will continue to engage in essential conversations to ensure we collectively move towards a more sustainable future.
ANSA McAL’s Core Values: Owning Our Mission, Loving Our Customers, Playing Hard, Winning Together, Caring with Purpose, Being Unstoppable and Showing Respect and Trust.